Getting Your Computer Fixed

Mary Baldwin recommends that all students have current antivirus software running on their personal computers and keep their operating systems up to date. You are welcome to use the software provider of their choice, but offers Mary Baldwin faculty, staff, and students a small discount on hardware and software.

The IT staff may not be able to assist students with computers that are infected or have corrupted operating systems. Mary Baldwin reserves the right to disconnect infected or vulnerable computers if they pose a threat to other computers on the network. Mary Baldwin IT’s responsibility for non-University devices is limited to assistance with connection to the MBU network. Other problems should be addressed by local fee-based vendors:

  • Virus and malware scan and removal,
  • Software installation support,
  • Peripheral support,
  • Consultation on how to handle various PC responsibilities, including backing up your data or re-installing system software on your disk drive,
  • Hardware troubleshooting and repair.

The following is not a complete list of local vendors, nor are they recommended by Mary Baldwin, they are listed for your convenience:

Local FEE BASED Service Providers

John’s Computers
E-N Computers
LCC Computers
Blue Ridge Mac