
The Bachelor of Arts/Master of Letters (BA/MLitt) program couples the strengths of the undergraduate theatre major with the unique Shakespeare and Performance graduate program to offer residential students an immersion in arts and letters and the opportunity to earn both degrees in five academic years. (Earning the two degrees would typically take six years or more.)

Undergraduates in the Baldwin Online and Adult Programs (Baldwin Online and Adult Programs) should be advised that the undergraduate theatre major is available primarily on the main campus in Staunton. Baldwin Online and Adult Programs students who are interested in pursuing the Master of Letters in Shakespeare and Performance should consult with their advisor.


First Year: First-year students contact the head of the undergraduate theatre department to investigate the necessary courses and review requirements. Students begin to fulfill both general education and core curriculum requirements.

Second Year: In consultation with head of undergraduate theatre, students continue to take general education and core requirements while working towards completing the theatre major.

Third Year: While continuing to fulfill the menu of courses, students will prepare their application portfolio and meet with the head of undergraduate theatre and the director of S&P to review their MLitt admission status.

Fourth Year: The student begins work at the graduate level while completing the undergraduate degree.

Fifth Year: The student finishes MLitt course work and completes, presents, and defends his or her thesis.


  • 3.5 GPA in theatre major
  • 3.35 overall GPA
  • Portfolio of written/performed work or GRE
  • Interview with head of undergraduate theatre program and director of S&P
  • Participation in unified auditions and graduate projects