By: Kaelyn Dickinson


As millennials we face a vastly different world of work, than our parents before us.  Our career paths will not maintain a linear career path. You may ask, how will I do that, negotiate work in an era where the institutions that were thought to be so firm, are crumbling and being rebuilt a new-as a millennial?  Here’s the answer- we use our ‘multi-potentialities’ as writer Emilie Wapnick says.  This means embracing and using the wide range of ‘potentialities’ you possess as an individual. You might be scratching your head right now and asking yourself, “What are ‘potentialities’?” These are the skill sets and traits that make you unique and an invaluable asset in the workplace, during internships and even in crafting your career.


If you are a primarily interested in health care or law but enjoy art or music as well, leverage your creativity. For years, we have been told to separate hobbies and “serious work” but, I am here to say the two can be joined. Since attending MBU, I have learned  most courses are related in one way or another, the strong nature of the liberal arts shining through.  I see connections between my Art class and Health Care Administration degree.  


For instance, Art has taught me to be patient, pay attention to details and understand the tools I have and what it will create. I can leverage these same skills in healthcare. So, as you can see in my example, skills are transferrable and transparent making them applicable in personal and professional sectors. In order to be a changemaker it is essential to identify and leverage  your transferrable skills.


As a millennial, remember do not be afraid to experiment in your different interests. Remember, you can’t fail at trying something new. In fact, being different and thinking “outside the box” defies the status quo, it allows you to stand out in positive ways. It gives you permission to use your “multi-potentialities”and offer new vantage points to others and yourself. So, go forth and find your millennial superpowers and the workforce.


Check out this Video :

Don’t Reach For Normal


Check out these Articles:

Why Most People Don’t Reach Their Full Potential And How You Can

10 Ways Millennials Are Creating The Future Of Work

Powerful Imagery

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The will to Win !

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