By: Kaelyn Dickinson


The time is here, when the school year has taken off running and summer is a distant memory. But, let me be the first to congratulate you for making the decision to come back, start fresh and finish what you have started. I can definitely admit this college journey is one eventful roller coaster with exhilarating, exciting and frightening loops and turns. Although, the ride may be eventful this year, you have to consider how will you take care of YOU. Yes, you – the person you look at in the mirror everyday. So, let me give you 4 tips on self care.


1 – Time:  Take time for Yourself

2 – Accept:  You are not invincible from burnout

3 – Pick your Pace : Faster is not always better

4 – Peace :    Disconnect from disturbance


  • Time– Take time for yourself. Although, this tip sounds very simple, it is easier said than done for most of us. Often, we make time for everyone and everything else, and we neglect our own needs or desires. You may ask, how do I make time for myself ? Well, consider allocating time during the week for walking, journaling, shopping or treating yourself to whatever makes you feel happy. This is not selfish, in fact it is giving back to yourself what you have given to others.


  • Accept– Accept that you are not invincible. Now, I must admit after watching Wonder Woman – I felt invincible. Actually, after watching any Marvel movie, I feel like a superhero. Yes, superheros are great, but they also have moments when they burnout and need to recharge. It is important to understand that self care is about recharging before burnout. By recharging, you accept that you cannot be the best version of yourself without being full and understanding what fills you.


  • Pace– Pick your pace. We live in a world that defines success through the lenses of competition, productivity, and efficiency. This makes it very easy to neglect ourselves in the process. Remember it is not wrong to slow down, take a pause and reevaluate the speed you are going in your life. A part of self care is sometimes slowing down to value yourself and your life. Don’t be afraid to take control of your life and the pace you are going. Don’t rush the time you spend with you.


  • Peace– Pick peace. Sometimes, when there are so many things going on at once, it is challenging to find a place free of disturbance. I have learned that when you ‘pick’ peace, it’s a decision, it is a choice. This is self care because it gives you the ability to free your thoughts, slow down and find inner harmony. This is the place where you can escape from the world and its distractions.


So, I challenge you to T.A.P.P into your self care, make time, embrace your humanity and all of its uniqueness, slow down and find a place of peace. When we take the time to slow down we learn why and how we are valuable.

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