Ode To The Perfect

Perfect is the broken cries of the lost souls

Perfect is why I can’t help but scream at night

It holds my worries and my imperfections

It makes me who I am and want to be

Perfect is a constellation spotted in the sky

While the bare eyes are spewed with galactic glitter

It reminds me of everything that has ever been

And everything that will ever come to be

The days where I will be alone

The days where I am not

To the perfect, for never being quite perfected

And everything streaming and leaping

Through quaking minds and hearts

Love is far from perfect

But that moment you catch a glimpse of your lover

Where that moment will lead to a life full of love

That is perfect

And the squeaky wheels, and the beeping horns

And that memory of the time you were young

And that you will never be young again

That is perfect

For as long as the heart pumps its dazed ichor

And we go about as machinery

Those things that make machinery human

Those moments where the code breaks down

Or lines up perfectly on the horizon

Like a sunset setting far off

Never to be seen again


Is perfect




Baby blue skies

Fading clouds burning up

Disintegrating into static

Take my eyes and place them here

Lay my body next to them

Let me see the world

Without a subject painting it

How the wind tastes on my irises

Smiling blades of grass

A gentle chatter of green

I can only see tranquility

If only my body conveyed the truth

Then life wouldn’t be so much different

Than death


Every moment I can, I close my eyes

To tread death’s path

But I become blind

To the color of decay

I block my ears

To hear death’s song

But I become deaf

To the language of pain

I close my nostrils

To smell death’s aroma

Yet I become anosmic

To the stench of nature

I clamp my mouth

To taste death’s food

And I cannot taste

The tears of loss

I glove my hands

To embrace death

But I cannot feel

The frost of hell


I sit by the grass

I cannot hear it talk, only dance

The sky is still static

And the wind has no flavor


But if I deafen my brain

And clamp my mind shut

I discover I can recognize life

On my body

And death in my mind

Truth in the spirit

A tranquil meditation

My soul’s salvation

A reclamation

As one of Heaven’s nation




C. Walker is a student at Cornell University studying physics, but when he isn’t in a lab or studying his equations, he writes. Born in Switzerland and currently living in Connecticut, he officially started writing freshman year of high school. His idols include Poe, Wordsworth, Yeats, and Dylan Thomas. His style tends toward Romantic, horror, existential, and absurdist themes, with a traditional flavor. He is also an avid musician and enthusiast of ancient philosophy. “Tranquil and “Ode To The Perfect” are his first works published in a literary magazine.