Broken Home

I suck the dead skin

hanging from my nail

just as I did as a child,

anxious for

the floor to give in

to my weight,

collapsing this home we built,

proving my mother right:

I am too much.


You disagree.


Loving me comes easy to you,

unafraid to kiss my cursed lips

and crooked teeth,

promising nothing will push you away –

but I fear one day,

I may bite too hard.



Delia is a senior at Boston University studying English and Film. At BU, she is Editor in Chief of The Beacon as well as captain of the Varsity Track and Field Team. Their poetry, though self-indulgent, aims to highlight the queer experience in the face of oppression and toxicity. Delia intends to further her passion for writing in the future and to continue celebrating queer voices.