Life is arson

God watches me while I sleep
Wipes the tears that fall even in the depths of slumber
Listens to my dreams’ subliminal wails of agony

What if he burned it all to nothing
Nothing but ashes and grief
Life would be as sweet as arson
Cackling in the beauty of destruction





Jhanaé Ottey is currently a first year Political Science major at Syracuse University. She is a poet and often enjoys experimenting with expressing herself through other various art forms. She has infused poetry into ceramic pieces, recited her poetry for her community on multiple occasions, and has combined her poetry with music as well. Her most recent accomplishment is her poetry book entitled “Yet the World Kept Turning” that was officially published on Amazon in January 2023. Writing and publishing this book was a journey of healing, self-discovery, bravery and humility for her. She is excited to see where her passions for poetry will take her in the future!