if not for forever

the way they fell in love was like a

white avalanche

falling ever so slowly,


and then

all at once


they walked

hand in hand

through the one life they had been given


choosing to live it together

giving time no recognition


but time comes and goes

it ebbs and it flows

stopping only for a moment

before each one

comes to a close


and they laughed

and they cried

as they let their two worlds collide

creating moments in harmony

that simply slid by


and he walked beside her

holding her hand

if not for forever,

just as long as he can


until the day came

when the sky took her away

and he walked by his lonesome

if not for forever,

then just for today


his moments of sadness

were overpowered with love

because the one life he had been given

created what they had become




think of it like a vase

sitting high up on a shelf

its structure seems quite sturdy

easy to think of it like Goliath himself


but sometimes

the wind blows

and the vase teeters a bit

it wobbles back and forth

and suddenly you’re afraid

you might lose it


and in the seconds of its wobbling

unsure if it may fall

you catch yourself just praying

that in this moment





so you can put the vase down slowly

and secure it from descent

because if it falls straight down

that’s it

its time

is spent


but then

the vase stops shifting

and it settles down once more

and you take a wheezing breath

hands on your knees

staring at the floor


think of it like a vase

sitting high up on a shelf

its structure seems quite sturdy;

but one gust too big

and it’s all over

your life,

your chance,




The day

when I hold you and ask

“how was your day?”

i don’t expect your words to pour out

in an endless crashing essay


but the answer that i’m looking for

is just more than


because i want to make sure

that today wasn’t The day


The day when you realize

maybe the world isn’t so bright

and when you start to battle different monsters

lying in bed each night


The day when someone’s words cut

deep as a knife,

or The day when

your heart is breaking

just aching for life


from the minute you were born

i’ve worried about that day,

The day when you may realize

that everything is not always



and through all these years

i’ve watched you grow

the innocence coursing through

so for now

i think i’ll stay here;

if for only one more minute or two


so, you look me in the eyes

and say

“today was really great”

and i smile and say


balancing your weight


i place you on the ground

and let you run away to play

and again

i am so grateful

that today

is not

The day.



a stranger again

i met this boy once

both unique and unrefined

i didn’t know him yet

and at first

i didn’t mind


yet as time went by

and days turned into nights

the plan i thought i’d had

demanded quite the rewrite


and for a moment

he became

the depth

of all i thought i knew

from the laughter

to the flowers

to the i love you too’s


but that was just a moment

a figment lost to time

and yes

i do still see him

walking through our town sometimes


and i’ll wave

and smile

if our eyes lock just then

because we often choose what stranger


becomes known

but rarely choose when they become

a stranger






Myranda Lockwood is a junior at Daemen University in Buffalo, NY with a major in professional writing and rhetoric and minors in both public relations and women’s studies. She hopes to pursue a career in publishing and one day write a novel or two. She has always had an immense appreciation for the arts and hopes that she can influence those she meets to just give it a chance to change their life.