Do I taste like honey

Do I crawl down your throat

Seep into your gums

Too rich to swallow smoothly

Too sweet to pass up

Or am I more of a honeyed cough drop

Curing your congested soul

I have always fixed you more

The more you take

Do you use the good silverware

Elbows off the table, etiquette

A rare moment in your life

Eating me politely

I’m a little too messy for finger food

A bit too soft for your knife

Why do I let you take

A bite of me, knowing you are


Maybe, I wanted to be devoured

Consumed until I am the crumbs

In a crumpled bag left watching

Myself burn


                                        -The acid in you only

                                        Hurts anyone else



Becca Anderson (any pronouns) is an experimental poet and creative that focuses on honesty and vulnerability within her work. Currently studying creative writing and nonprofit leadership at the University of Iowa, Becca aims to spread the regenerative and empowering forces of poetry to youth through her literary workshops.