By Kaelyn Dickinson


What were your transitional markers of change this school year ? My past two semesters at Mary Baldwin have been far from easy, in fact they’ve been straight out challenging. Overall, I experienced an inner blossoming of growth which informed my identity.  If I could articulate it poetically Tupac Shakur said it best in his song, The rose that grew from concrete, “The seed must grow regardless of the fact that it’s planted in stone”. I learned sometimes old ways had to be broken down in order to create new ways of living and being. So, I am grateful for the sticks and stones of life, because I learned how to use them as tools to build me up, rather than tear me down.

The Sticks and Stones of Words  ≥  Energy

As mentioned in the last article, language is an important skill set to possess in the workplace, that increases your value as an employee. Words carry a particular energy.  Yes, words and energy share a mutually dependent relationship. For many people, words can greatly influence their perception of themselves and determine the type of energy they then release to others. Words can be the energizer for success or the brick wall that blocks us from pursuing our dreams.

Here are two scenarios to help you gauge how you can gain and lose energy…

  1.  Imagine going to class and receiving encouraging words from your favorite professor, such as, “You are a great student with a bright future and amazing potential.”  This positive feedback is reassuring which may result in you smiling or feeling like your day is awesome. As a result, you want to do more as student.
  2.  Imagine going to class and receiving the complete opposite such as “This is terrible work.  Why did you even turn this in?” This feedback would, most probably, demean your efforts and make you feel less capable of achieving success. As a result, you question your abilities. For instance, if you surround yourself with people who constantly engage in negative talk, it is likely for you will feel negative and speak negatively.


The two situations probably evoked some sort of emotion from you, as a reader.  One thing in life that cannot be changed is our interaction with others. By interacting with one another we are constantly exchanging and releasing energy as we release words. All in all, give the energy and words  you want to receive.

More Info on the Value of Words and Energy

The Words Experiment


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