By: Kaelyn Dickinson


Welcome back! Fall semester is in full swing, whether we were ready for it to come or not. Now, it’s time to transition back to student life and the plethora of responsibilities that come with it.


Over the next year, The Vantage Point will be exploring the themes of ‘identity’ and ‘transitions’. Transitions have a tremendous impact on our identity and there is so much joy to be found when you’re able to look at the opportunities and new phases life holds.   


So, that being said,  let’s talk about our school’s official name change. On August 31, 2016, we officially became Mary Baldwin University. Not only has our name changed but, our campus is slowly changing too. The transitions range from our new email addresses, our cool new MBU logo and renovations throughout campus especially our new addition of Starbucks. As a student, I must say the changes are absolutely refreshing and a great way to start off the academic year.


On August 31st, I had the opportunity to speak with several students.  I wanted to know how they felt about the transition, the change. Here’s what some of my peers had to say:


“At first I was hesitant about the transition from College to University, but the ceremony really opened my eyes to how innovative and important the name change is for the school and it’s students. The fact that the invitation was extended to Virginia’s elected officials also gave us a perspective on how significant our legacy is, not only to the Commonwealth, but also to others”.

-Milagro Ventura  


“When I first heard about the name change, I didn’t really like the idea because I thought that it was going to change what the college was about. During the ceremony, I realized that the change to University was for the better. The name change shows how progressive our school is and how it’s growing. With the name change, we will continue to grow and to evolve with each new student that comes to this school”.

-Gabrielle Smith


“In my opinion the ceremony represented a new beginning. Not only a new beginning for the school itself, but a new beginning for the faculty, staff, and students”.

-Alexis Perry

So what does this year hold for you?  What does this monumental transition at Mary Baldwin mean for the students, faculty, staff, and community?  A transition can initially seem somewhat daunting, and cause apprehension, because the potential effects of the outcome are often unknown. However, transitions are times of great growth- individuals and organizations have the ability to shape the future in positive and fortuitous ways.  Viewing new beginnings from this perspective, is exhilarating and essential to the expansion of this institution and for us as students. I look forward to the progressive changes we will make and that Mary Baldwin, as an institution of higher learning will create in the future.


Check these Blogs out…

Life After College

The Everygirl

Levo League

Articles and Videos to Feature:

Transitioning with Grace

When You’re In Transition: Being Patient and Accepting Uncertainty

Don’t Just Please Others, Please Yourself

TED Talks:

The Risky Politics of Progress

Waging Conflict without Violence

Bring on the Female Superheroes!

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